Friday, February 27, 2015

Get Close Game!

This is for any photographer from someone who is starting out to a photographer who has been photographing for many years. I know you have heard If you don’t like the photograph you took get closer. That is alway a great idea. This game is to see how strong is a subject is from many different views. Start as far away as you can. Then get a little closer. After moving in closer get as close to your subject that allows your lens to focus. This could just be a texture of the subject because you are so close. You may end up with a few killer photographs. The composition of the closes image or somewhere close to the furtherest one away. They both may be very strong images. This will help you see what is the best distance for a particular subject.

Depending on the type of lens you use will greatly change the look of your subject. Try out different types of lenses you have. From wide to fisheye and don’t forget telephoto lenses. See what looks interesting using a fisheye lens using the close up game. You may be very surprised how using a wide lens close up will make your image look.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Photo Challenge: 365 Day Project!

Photo Challenge: 365 Day Project!

365 Day Project!

Have you heard about the 365 Day Project? Its a challenge to shoot one photo every day for a whole year. You should start shooting simple shots and as you grow by keep improving your skill. By the end of your 365 days you should be able to shoot more complicated images that you could not do when you started. This challenge may be to demanding for you because of your lifestyle. I still say give it a try. In just fifteen minutes you can shoot quite amount of quality images not quantity. By day 366 you will have learned so much and you will be a better photographer. If you want to get started check out this web site. http// 

I will be posting more photo challenges in the future but if you want more now check out my free PDF Book: Photography Tips & Ideas I will leave you with the link below.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Critiquing vs. Criticizing!

Critiquing vs. Criticizing! 

Critiquing vs. Criticizing! Do you know the difference? Critiquing the works of other photographer requires you to comment on the positive and the negative in a balancing act. So you give the good with the bad in equal parts.
Now if you are criticizing the work of a photographer all you are doing is giving negativity comments about the photograph. You are not offering any positive feedback for the photographer. Criticizing someones work is so unprofessional. Kind of a dick move also. So learn to critique not to criticize someone’s photographs.
Critiquing someones photograph and critiquing your own work. Will help improve your photography. You will start to analyze your composition through the camera before you even touch the shutter button.
When you want to critique a photograph do you know the three basic questions to ask yourself? Lets start with the positive. What is good about it? What is not good? How could it be better? You are training your eyes to see like photographer. 

The more photographs you are able to critique the better your composition will be. So find some photographs that you can critique so you can start improving your own photography. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

This has nothing to do with photography

99 bottles of beer on the wall! Has seven words!! So does 99 problems but a bitch aint one! Mind blow? Just to let you know they are both songs. This has nothing to do with photography but this does.
 How can you photograph 99 bottles of beer on the wall? How can you shoot 99 bottles of beer creatively? If you don’t have 99 beer bottles how can you take a photograph with 99 bottles of beer? Would you use a wide lens or a telephoto lens? I challenge you to try be as creatively as you can and photograph 99 bottles of beer on the wall. I would like to see your photograph so please share.

Monday, February 16, 2015


Photography is not art! Have you ever heard this? I know I have. Here's how they justify that statement. Anybody can take a picture but not everybody can paint a painting. I bet you have heard this also. When someone says this to me. First nine times out of ten. They are not any type of artist at all. So I tell them that I don’t own a pig that can paint, or a painting elephant. But I do have a Monet paint by numbers that I painted. I am not putting down painters. I admire many painters. I am just showing that an artist is an artist no mater what his medium is. If you are a photographer,painter,sculptor,and many more different type of people who create. All are artist. Do you agree with me? What is your opinion about who is an artist?
This is a very old original tobacco barn!
I am a photographer and an artist! Photographers are artist! Photographers are just as creative with their photos as fine art painters. Photographers and painter use very similar rules to achieve a fantastic piece of art. Rule of third, framing, and lighting are both used in a painting and a photograph. Painters add  elements they want to include in their paintings to improve the final masterpiece. Photographers try to remove distracting elements in their photographs to improve composition for a much better photographers

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Just something to share with Photographers

With photography you can soar high above the ground or explore deep down in the oceans. If you are not adventurous you can stay on the ground and photograph ocean creatures at an aquarium. Its up to you where your photography will take you.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Picture Eye Candy@gmail Photography Tips & Ideas Version 1

This is the cover to my Free PDF Book! What do you think about the cover? Did you find the mistake? I left the mistake in for fun.
Here is a few excerpts from my Free PDF Book:

With photography you can soar high above the ground or explore deep down in the oceans. If you are not adventurous you can stay on the ground and photograph ocean creatures at an aquarium. Its up to you where your photography will take you.

What Should I Photograph?
Anything you want. You did get into photography because you like or love photography. Photography lets you be creative. It can be a hobby and for fun. All you got to remember is to enjoy and have fun with your photography. 

Almost 100 pages of information thats fun and easy to learn. I know over 200 photographers in at least 10 different countries has read this free PDF Book! If  you want to check it out click the link below.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

I love photography! 
Check out my work at the links below
Youtube Channel
At my Youtube Channel you will learn photography tips & how-to videos! Please subscribe.

My DeviantArt Page
Come and check out some of my photographs. You will be able to see what kind of photographs I like from other DeviantArt photographers. Caution Do Not Enter If Nudity Offends You! 
I do enjoy Photographers who do Fine Art Nudes so I have some in my favorites as Artistic Nudes.
Surreal photography is another type of photography I enjoy. There are many kind of photography I enjoy. If you want to know what other kinds of photography I like just come on in my DeviantArt page the link is above.

Google Plus
I am also on google plus. So come on by and be part of my circle.

My Facebook Page
I do have a Facebook page but I'm not on that much but my Photography work is on there...

Yes I'm on Twitter also but like my Facebook page I am hardly on.

My email
If you want me to look at your photography work  or have a question or comment.

Do you want something free?
Almost 100 pages  Over ten different countries, hundreds of people has read this free PDF Book. Just click on the link below.

Photography Tips & Ideas Version 1

Lipscomb Photography and Picture Eye Candy is created by Alvin Lipscomb.

Last But not least I will leave you with a Motto: